Winter Retreat 2010

Winter Retreat 2010
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Monday, November 30, 2009

Sign ups are here, sorry for the delay

I know this is a busy time of year. School is winding down for the Christmas break, and yes I believe we should call it Christmas break, Christmas parties, Christmas concerts, vacations, final exams, projects are due, and on top of all that, WINTER RETREAT DEPOSIT CREPT up on is and we missed it. Don't worry, you can still register. Just hit one of the links above to register for Hot Hearts and for Winter Retreat and you can sign up online. The deposit is $30 for winter retreat and the final payment for late registration is $80 for a total of $110. Hot Hearts is due by the end of December and the total cost for that will be $25 dollars. This is gonna be awesome!!!
Did you know that Christmas is the most celebrated holiday of the year? Did you also know that the majority of the people who celebrate it don't even know why we give gifts or where the idea of Santa Claus came about. While the majority will say it started as a celebration of Jesus birth, they just assume it was the gifts brought by the three wise men that started the whole gift giving theme.

But look at what John 3:16 says real closely, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only son. That whoever would believe in Him will not parish, but have eternal life." Jesus was God's gift. We give gifts to others because we have been given the ultimate gift in Jesus Christ. Remember every time you wrap a present or unwrap a present, that God's gift started it all.