Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sign ups are here, sorry for the delay
I know this is a busy time of year. School is winding down for the Christmas break, and yes I believe we should call it Christmas break, Christmas parties, Christmas concerts, vacations, final exams, projects are due, and on top of all that, WINTER RETREAT DEPOSIT CREPT up on is and we missed it. Don't worry, you can still register. Just hit one of the links above to register for Hot Hearts and for Winter Retreat and you can sign up online. The deposit is $30 for winter retreat and the final payment for late registration is $80 for a total of $110. Hot Hearts is due by the end of December and the total cost for that will be $25 dollars. This is gonna be awesome!!!
Did you know that Christmas is the most celebrated holiday of the year? Did you also know that the majority of the people who celebrate it don't even know why we give gifts or where the idea of Santa Claus came about. While the majority will say it started as a celebration of Jesus birth, they just assume it was the gifts brought by the three wise men that started the whole gift giving theme.
But look at what John 3:16 says real closely, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only son. That whoever would believe in Him will not parish, but have eternal life." Jesus was God's gift. We give gifts to others because we have been given the ultimate gift in Jesus Christ. Remember every time you wrap a present or unwrap a present, that God's gift started it all.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The best movie line
"No one puts baby in a corner" - dirty dancing. "They can never take our FREEDOM!" - Braveheart. We all have our favorite movie quote. "Rubbing is Racing" - Days of Thunder. And we have those favorite moments when the hero stands up, rallies the troops, and gives that highly motivational speech. In the bible there are moments like that for me too. Consider some of these verses..."13Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 3:13&14; "14 For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?" - Esther 4:14; and my favorite of all time...
19Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, 20by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, 21and since we have a great priest over the house of God, 22let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. 23Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. 25Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
26If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, 27but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. 28Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? 30For we know him who said, "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," and again, "The Lord will judge his people." 31It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
32Remember those earlier days after you had received the light, when you stood your ground in a great contest in the face of suffering. 33Sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and persecution; at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated. 34You sympathized with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions.
35So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. 36You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. 37For in just a very little while,
"He who is coming will come and will not delay.
38But my righteous one will live by faith.
And if he shrinks back,
I will not be pleased with him." 39But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.
Hebrews 10:19-39
When I read this I can hear the words in my head, building and building, words like, since we have a GREAT priest, let us draw near...in FULL ASSURANCE...let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for HE who promised is FAITHFUL. Jesus is the only one who could not only talk the talk about faith, but he literally walked the walk. Consider this, there wasn't a person he met, a person he knew of (including you and me), and a person to live or gonna live that had not committed at least one sin. Now if you knew the people who were intentionally kicking you, throwing rocks at you, slapping you, and executing you, would you seriously come and devote your entire life to saving them from what they deserve? I wouldn't, and i certainly wouldn't let my only child, who by the way happens to be the only one to not sin in anyway, become the one that receives the punishment for everyone else's mistakes. NO WAY. But as God puts it, "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." - John 15:13 "while we were sinners...Christ died for us" - Romans 5:8.
So next time you get to quoting your favorite movie line, or are looking for that bit of inspiration to move you to something great, remember these words, "He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near."
With God all things are possible. Victory is not something to be hoped for, it is a reality to be understood in light of God's Glory.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Ever wonder when your gonna get to do something?
Prophecy is a tough thing to get. When God would promise to Israel a Messiah, they would end up waiting at least 400 years, and then when Jesus came, they rejected Him as the true Messiah. Prophecy gives us hope, and reminds us that we are not there yet. Sometimes in Christian faith, we only see the waiting on the Lord and His return and we miss the big "metaphorical" elephant staring at us in our face. Our life was dead and without purpose before we were saved. And now with Jesus as our Chief Commander (Lord) and defender (Savior), we have a place to be and a person to be right now. The lie is "you are too young, you aren't ready, you don't know enough, you can't do it!" any of the those phrases echo in your heart when you think of doing something for God? The TRUTH is you can't. But "With God, all things are possible." The TRUTH is God can do anything with someone who wants to be used by God and is listening for His direction. In you heart, in your soul, ask God to show you where He wants you to go, what He wants you to be. Then watch as your life begins to have a clear direction and meaning. "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." - Luke 18:16. You are never too young, never incapable, never lacking when the Spirit of God is alive and living in you. John 14:12 "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."
I said all that to say this. This fall we have a new place for teenagers, parents, and youth workers to plug in and serve. Starting September 14, we are going to have Monday Night Visitation. With 81 members on our Sunday School role, 16 prospects in the past 3 months, we need every one's help in touching each of the families. Our care groups will be helping us make contacts, send cards, visit new prospects and minister to those in our Sunday School. Other areas of service include, volunteer work, leading worship on Wednesday nights, mentoring younger students, and many others. Don't get caught wondering when your gonna get to do something, we can start today.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Now that's what I'm talking about. We had a great kick-off to the new school year and the new Sunday School Year. This Sunday we will be meeting in our new class rooms. The teachers are getting ready and we are getting set to do Sunday School Right. Truth is Sunday School is just a name, it hasn't been school in years. It actually started as a way to teach reading back in the 1600-1700's. Churches would take the Sunday morning break from working the family farms to teach people to read using the bible. That is how the name got started as Sunday School. Over the years, it has been adapted to be a time of small group fellowship and bible study.
History... I know...Who Cares?
So forget the School, but don't forget to come this Sunday morning at 9am for donuts and a time to get together and talk about the week, see your friends, and definately try to bring a friend. It will be SO worth it.
History... I know...Who Cares?
So forget the School, but don't forget to come this Sunday morning at 9am for donuts and a time to get together and talk about the week, see your friends, and definately try to bring a friend. It will be SO worth it.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Its that time of year...
7 days and counting. Have you got your clothes, have you got your supplies, and have you got your schedule? New routines, new teachers, new friends, new desks, new lockers, and new classes can all seem fresh fun and exciting. But it can also make you worry. Well here is on small way to always be reminded of God's promises. Take a look at a dollar bill or any American money. On the coin or paper, it reads, "In God We Trust". Wonder where that phrase came from?
"Psalm 56:4 In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?"
Here are 7 suggestions for you to try over the next seven days:
-Try memorizing Psalm 56:4
-Try getting up 30 minutes early each day to read your bible and to memorize God's Word.
-Try sharing your testimony to yourself in the mirror to remind yourself how Awesome God has been in your life
-Find a verse in the Bible that will be your theme for this school year
-Share that verse with your BFF, your parents, your sunday school class and your youth minister
-Try to take an hour sometime this week and just be alone and silent with God. (not a nap, not with background music, not doing anything but alone with God.
-Try telling everyone what that hour was like
All these suggestions may sound a little weird and all since school hasn't started and you really aren't looking forward to homework. But God has promised us blessings, intimacy, and Joy to all who go hard after Him. Spending time with God, reading His word, memorizing scripture, and sharing with others will, I repeat, WILL make life extraordinary, not ordinary. It will be incredible, not detestible. It will be rock, not just roll.
"Psalm 56:4 In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?"
Here are 7 suggestions for you to try over the next seven days:
-Try memorizing Psalm 56:4
-Try getting up 30 minutes early each day to read your bible and to memorize God's Word.
-Try sharing your testimony to yourself in the mirror to remind yourself how Awesome God has been in your life
-Find a verse in the Bible that will be your theme for this school year
-Share that verse with your BFF, your parents, your sunday school class and your youth minister
-Try to take an hour sometime this week and just be alone and silent with God. (not a nap, not with background music, not doing anything but alone with God.
-Try telling everyone what that hour was like
All these suggestions may sound a little weird and all since school hasn't started and you really aren't looking forward to homework. But God has promised us blessings, intimacy, and Joy to all who go hard after Him. Spending time with God, reading His word, memorizing scripture, and sharing with others will, I repeat, WILL make life extraordinary, not ordinary. It will be incredible, not detestible. It will be rock, not just roll.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Back to School
1 Peter 5:6-7 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you
The popular title of the 1980's comedy starring Rodney Dangerfield was a satirical look at college life. The banner "back to school" carries with it a mighty dreadful meaning. Although we can look 0n the bright side and say, "I can't wait to see my friends, to get back into practice, to have something to do during the day". Those are really only part of what we feel when we hear those words, "back to school". There is also the internal bomb warning siren going off in our head saying, "Here comes a new dress code, new teachers (some are boring, unfair, and just like, imperfect), new school rules, new homework, another year of tests, papers, reading assignments, pop quizes, acne, cliques, freshmen, seniors, lunch room food, and that annoying bell tone played over the speakers. We all know that in school as in life, there is good and bad in every corner of life, what makes it all worth while is getting through life with something good. My something good is Jesus Christ. When something good happens, guess who gave it to me? Yep, all good gifts come from the Lord - the bible says. When bad stuff happens? Jesus said I can cast all my cares on Him and He will give me rest. He said His burdens are easy when we trust Him. Jesus is there to help me when the bad comes. So basically the way I see it, and the way scripture reads...No matter what we do, if we are breathing, we should totally and fully turn it all over to Jesus. Then we will get through this life with something good.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
We Got Wet!!!
We had such a great time. YES it was 98 degrees in the shade and the heat index was 164 degrees, but the water was cool, the fellowship was great, and the fireworks, were better than......well, forget the fireworks, that was such a small part of the day.
Each day we live is a day to give thanks to God. "this is the day the lord has made". People often forget that each day for each person, is a personalized gift from God. Think about it. You may have asked yourself, "what has God ever done for me?" - He holds the stars in place, He knows every hair on your head (if you have any) and He supplies every breathe that we take.
Some will argue that God isn't that involved with the every day to day world, but I ask, "why not?", "is God so loving, so patient, so concerned about every sin we commit, yet so unconcerned at the same time?" He not only can be that involved, He is that involved. His will and purpose for all people is that they become His children, forgiven AND changed. So today, take a moment and thank God, seriously, for today.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Who do you want to be?
When I grow up I want to be...
Corporate Advertiser, I wanted to make TV Commercials, but I didn't think I could do it. I wanted to be a professional Tennis player, but I didn't think I could do it. I wanted to be a physics teacher, but I couldn't do it. I finally gave my plans and future to God, and he made me a Youth Minister.
One of the most difficult decisions we face is, what do we want to be? Our flesh desires wealth, success, and comfort. As teenagers, we are challenged to make this decision sooner rather than later. The truth is, studies show that the average college student changes their major 3 times. We here stories from professional athletes who say they new when they were 4 years old what they wanted to be. But that is not the only way to become an elite professional. Nothing can replace hard work, dedication, discipline, and endurance in pursuing excellence in your field of expertise. Think about this, what if you were the best jet pilot in the world but you hated to fly? What if you were the worst teacher, but you loved to teach? What if you were talented in public speaking and had major influence in people, but didn't want to be a leader? Lost in all these thoughts and ambitions is the most important thing of all...what were you created to be?
If you never surrender your life to Christ, you will have used your God given talents and abilities to your own satisfaction, but never be satisfied. If you are a born again believer, you have been given God given talents and abilities to be used for His glory and satisfaction, and you may still never be satisfied. But if you are born again, and submit total authority to God in your life, and you use your God given talents and abilities to His Glory and for His purpose. You will know supreme satisfaction, Joy, and experience the presence of God's blessing in your life.
"What do you want to be", I ask. Whatever God wants me to be.
1 Cor. 12:28 gives for types of spiritual gifts that God gives Christians. He doesn't give all gifts to all Christians, but He does give at least one to all who believe and are His children. There are Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, and Helpers. In Ephesians 4:11, Paul breaks it down into: Apostles, Prophets, Preacher/Teachers, and Evangelists. As a Christian God has created you to be one of these types of people. You can do this in every area of life: Neurosurgery to tax commissioner, oil refinery to district manager, accountant to attorney, social worker to auto mechanic, and all the rest. No matter where God sends you and uses you, there is apart of you created, designed, and appointed to be either, Apostle, Prophet, Preacher, Teacher, Helper, or Evangelist. Which one are you?
Corporate Advertiser, I wanted to make TV Commercials, but I didn't think I could do it. I wanted to be a professional Tennis player, but I didn't think I could do it. I wanted to be a physics teacher, but I couldn't do it. I finally gave my plans and future to God, and he made me a Youth Minister.
One of the most difficult decisions we face is, what do we want to be? Our flesh desires wealth, success, and comfort. As teenagers, we are challenged to make this decision sooner rather than later. The truth is, studies show that the average college student changes their major 3 times. We here stories from professional athletes who say they new when they were 4 years old what they wanted to be. But that is not the only way to become an elite professional. Nothing can replace hard work, dedication, discipline, and endurance in pursuing excellence in your field of expertise. Think about this, what if you were the best jet pilot in the world but you hated to fly? What if you were the worst teacher, but you loved to teach? What if you were talented in public speaking and had major influence in people, but didn't want to be a leader? Lost in all these thoughts and ambitions is the most important thing of all...what were you created to be?
If you never surrender your life to Christ, you will have used your God given talents and abilities to your own satisfaction, but never be satisfied. If you are a born again believer, you have been given God given talents and abilities to be used for His glory and satisfaction, and you may still never be satisfied. But if you are born again, and submit total authority to God in your life, and you use your God given talents and abilities to His Glory and for His purpose. You will know supreme satisfaction, Joy, and experience the presence of God's blessing in your life.
"What do you want to be", I ask. Whatever God wants me to be.
1 Cor. 12:28 gives for types of spiritual gifts that God gives Christians. He doesn't give all gifts to all Christians, but He does give at least one to all who believe and are His children. There are Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, and Helpers. In Ephesians 4:11, Paul breaks it down into: Apostles, Prophets, Preacher/Teachers, and Evangelists. As a Christian God has created you to be one of these types of people. You can do this in every area of life: Neurosurgery to tax commissioner, oil refinery to district manager, accountant to attorney, social worker to auto mechanic, and all the rest. No matter where God sends you and uses you, there is apart of you created, designed, and appointed to be either, Apostle, Prophet, Preacher, Teacher, Helper, or Evangelist. Which one are you?
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Vacation Bible School is closing in. What can I do?
Well, we always need workers, we need supporters, and we need prayers.
On June 18 the youth will be canvassing our area with fliers for Vacation Bible School.
We welcome Matt Meuhlen to our North End Staff this Monday June 8th. Matt is a Howard Payne Univeristy Student, majoring in pre-med and Music, and has a calling on His life by God to work with teenagers and young people in reaching this world with the gospel of Christ.
Please stay posted for more great things happening this summer like:
Boys Night Out Camping Trip - June 12-13
Community Canvass - June 18
Girls Night Out - June 19-20
Vacation Bible School - June 22-26
Youth Splashtown and Fireworks - July 4
Route 56 Astros - July 7
Centrifuge Youth Camp - July 12 - 18
Route 56 Preteen Camp - July 19 - 22
Youth Mission/Choir tour - July 26 - Aug 1
Well, we always need workers, we need supporters, and we need prayers.
On June 18 the youth will be canvassing our area with fliers for Vacation Bible School.
We welcome Matt Meuhlen to our North End Staff this Monday June 8th. Matt is a Howard Payne Univeristy Student, majoring in pre-med and Music, and has a calling on His life by God to work with teenagers and young people in reaching this world with the gospel of Christ.
Please stay posted for more great things happening this summer like:
Boys Night Out Camping Trip - June 12-13
Community Canvass - June 18
Girls Night Out - June 19-20
Vacation Bible School - June 22-26
Youth Splashtown and Fireworks - July 4
Route 56 Astros - July 7
Centrifuge Youth Camp - July 12 - 18
Route 56 Preteen Camp - July 19 - 22
Youth Mission/Choir tour - July 26 - Aug 1
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Baccalaureate Service 2009
This past sunday we celebrated the High School Graduates from 2009.
Blair - Lumberton - Texas Christian University
Michael - West Brook - Blenn College
Kendall - Lumberton - Blenn College
James - Hardin Jefferson - Texas A&M
Justina - West Brook - Sam Houston State University
Ryan - Hardin Jefferson - Lamar University
Kye - Lumberton - Texas Wesleyan University
It is a bittersweet moment in youth ministry to see the graduates in their cap and gown. On one hand you are proud to see the achievement, on the other hand you are reminded that life is continuing on and they will soon be gone. However this years seniors have a unique place in our church and in the world. Everyone of these seniors are smart, talented, and driven to make something and become someone. Each of these students are continuing their education and I am convinced will continue in their dedication and commitment to Christ and the local church. There will always come that moment when the world gives you an award or a status that marks your development or position, but let me remind you, John 15:15I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. What God has put in your heart, your calling, your purpose, and your identity is set. You have the privilege of going and being a church member, a Sunday school teacher, a worker in the ministries of the church, even to go and serve. Be real, be committed, and never stop running the race of the young Christian.
God bless our seniors, all the graduates of 2009 and all the youth of today.
Blair - Lumberton - Texas Christian University
Michael - West Brook - Blenn College
Kendall - Lumberton - Blenn College
James - Hardin Jefferson - Texas A&M
Justina - West Brook - Sam Houston State University
Ryan - Hardin Jefferson - Lamar University
Kye - Lumberton - Texas Wesleyan University
It is a bittersweet moment in youth ministry to see the graduates in their cap and gown. On one hand you are proud to see the achievement, on the other hand you are reminded that life is continuing on and they will soon be gone. However this years seniors have a unique place in our church and in the world. Everyone of these seniors are smart, talented, and driven to make something and become someone. Each of these students are continuing their education and I am convinced will continue in their dedication and commitment to Christ and the local church. There will always come that moment when the world gives you an award or a status that marks your development or position, but let me remind you, John 15:15I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. What God has put in your heart, your calling, your purpose, and your identity is set. You have the privilege of going and being a church member, a Sunday school teacher, a worker in the ministries of the church, even to go and serve. Be real, be committed, and never stop running the race of the young Christian.
God bless our seniors, all the graduates of 2009 and all the youth of today.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Why Choose God
Some skeptics simply can't understand why I believe in God, or why religion is tolerated by so many, but where they really get stumped is when faith in God trumps science. In 2009, fact is not as important as persepective. If I have a theory about something and I get enough people to validate it, then I can sell it as truth. God's word says, Jesus is the way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the father except through Him. Most good people then get hung up on the idea that they may not be ready yet. They may not be ready to commit, or ready to take that leap of faith into what is unknown and unclear verses the real world they can see and touch and feel. The question I ask today is "Why Choose God?"
-His Word is True
-His Love endures forever
-He restores the soul
-He is our shepherd and protector
-He is not bound by science, common sense, or anything of this world
-He forgives the guilty
-He saves the wicked
-He never gives up
-He is the only thing that can defeat evil, satan, and demons
-He will have the final word
-If I am right about God, then Heaven, Peace, Joy, Love, Mercy, Grace are real and everlasting, if I am wrong, I have lost nothing
-There will come a day when it is TOO LATE, and for me, it isn't worth trying to escape that Truth
-Because He chose us. The truth is we don't choose Him, he chooses us, but we aren't rejected by God, but we can reject God. And that rejection is the only unforgivable, unpardonable sin.
So if you have been invited to be a child of God, Choose "Yes". It will change your life forever.
-His Word is True
-His Love endures forever
-He restores the soul
-He is our shepherd and protector
-He is not bound by science, common sense, or anything of this world
-He forgives the guilty
-He saves the wicked
-He never gives up
-He is the only thing that can defeat evil, satan, and demons
-He will have the final word
-If I am right about God, then Heaven, Peace, Joy, Love, Mercy, Grace are real and everlasting, if I am wrong, I have lost nothing
-There will come a day when it is TOO LATE, and for me, it isn't worth trying to escape that Truth
-Because He chose us. The truth is we don't choose Him, he chooses us, but we aren't rejected by God, but we can reject God. And that rejection is the only unforgivable, unpardonable sin.
So if you have been invited to be a child of God, Choose "Yes". It will change your life forever.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
ok, we have 5 students waiting to be baptized. We had a teenager ask Jesus into his heart last month, we are taking 16 more students to youth camp this year, and we have a summer mission trip coming together with a choir tour. God is moving us and we can only look to God and count it blessings from Him when we see good things happen. "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." - James 1:17 NIV.
There is an old song that says, "count your many blessings, name them one by one, count your many blessings, see what God has done". There is truth to that sweet song. We can look at how richly God has blessed us and see what God has done, what He is doing, and where we should be going.
Here is what I mean:
We have a stable youth group with a strong group of Juniors and Seniors. We have a strong group of Junior High Students coming up. We have dispersed through out the other grades maturing Christ minded students. We have experienced the excitment of Winter Retreat, the Challenge of Disciple Now weekend, and we have a clear desire to see God change us and the world.
Take a moment right now, give God thanks for all of His blessings, Give Jesus thanks for saving us, and ask God to use you, to use us to be a blessing to others.
But I left out one HUGE blessing. Ken Griffin was voted in last Sunday to be our new pastor. He is an inspiring man of God. I have not seen such talent in the preaching, such devotion to a single purpose (leading the lost to Christ), and such geniune realness in person, all from a preacher. Not to ever discredit any pastor I have known. I believe God has brought Ken to North End for several reasons.
There is an old song that says, "count your many blessings, name them one by one, count your many blessings, see what God has done". There is truth to that sweet song. We can look at how richly God has blessed us and see what God has done, what He is doing, and where we should be going.
Here is what I mean:
We have a stable youth group with a strong group of Juniors and Seniors. We have a strong group of Junior High Students coming up. We have dispersed through out the other grades maturing Christ minded students. We have experienced the excitment of Winter Retreat, the Challenge of Disciple Now weekend, and we have a clear desire to see God change us and the world.
Take a moment right now, give God thanks for all of His blessings, Give Jesus thanks for saving us, and ask God to use you, to use us to be a blessing to others.
But I left out one HUGE blessing. Ken Griffin was voted in last Sunday to be our new pastor. He is an inspiring man of God. I have not seen such talent in the preaching, such devotion to a single purpose (leading the lost to Christ), and such geniune realness in person, all from a preacher. Not to ever discredit any pastor I have known. I believe God has brought Ken to North End for several reasons.
- We have great potential to be a strong healthy church
- We have great people who are ready to be challenged, moved, and changed
- We have great people who are ready to get the job done
- We have a children's department that is incredible, safe, full of fun, imagination, and purpose. It is designed to share the name of Jesus even to the babies.
- We have a children's program that is cutting edge, making a big impact, and run by a great director.
- Our youth group is growing deeper, each week we are seeing good fruit from God's word, whether its 8 visitors last week, or a 7th grader getting saved, or a set of brothers taking their bible to school, or 5 pews holding us together in worship.
- We have a college ministry blessed with great teachers, the Mars Hill Band, great student leaders, and a presence felt at the local university.
- We have a young adult department that is Full, I mean FULL, of hard workers (nursery workers, children's workers, youth workers, grill crews, deacons, yolk fellows, ushers, choir members, musicians, prayer warriors, parking lot security, hall monitors, and thats just every week).
- Our median adult is funny, cause they work so hard you can't tell them apart from the young adult sometimes - that's a compliment.
- Our Senior adult department is rich. Rich with sincere, loving, and wise men and women. They can and will outwork most of the rest of us. They remember how important a personal visit, a phone call, a set of flowers delivered to the hospital means. They not only have carried the torch well, but they set the example for others to follow.
Now that is what Ken has to work with, more importantly, that is what God has put together hear, and you add God's man coming to lead, shepherd, and co-labor in God's Kingdom and doing God's will; we will see God's glory right here.
I love this church. I love this youth group. Seek God today, look for His blessing, give Him praise because He has shown favor on us today!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Whats Happening Yall
We are headed full speed into spring. 80 degree days, more hours of daylight at night, soccer, basketball, track, stars, concerts, Easter, Graduation, deadlines, papers, tests, final exams, and oh yeah thats just what other people have for you to do. Stop for second....breathe deeply.....close your eyes (wait, then you can't read this) second thought keep your eyes open....Ok remember this. Phil 3:12-21 says that we are to press on toward the goal, like we are in a race and straining for the finish line, so have you got your feet set (study God's word), have you got your eyes focused (on God's purpose for you specifically), then your are ready, you are set, now GO!
Where you ask?
Here are some upcoming dates to know:
Where you ask?
- Our Student Led Monday Night Bible Studies
- Our SUNDAY NIGHT LIVE every Sunday at 6:30 pm
- Our Sunday morning bible study
- Our Wednesday Night Youth Group
Here are some upcoming dates to know:
- Disciple Now 2009 - March 25 Wednesday night rally at Parkway Life Church in Lumberton 6:30 - 8:30pm
- Disciple Now 2009 - March 26 Thursday night rally at North End Baptist Church 6:00pm to 8:30pm
- Disciple Now 2009 Weekend - March 27-29. student orientation at 6:30 Sign up now!
- Youth Camp Sign up deadline April 1 for Glorieta, New Mexico
- Youth Choir/Summer Mission Trip - April 1 - meeting in RT 56 room
- Dodgeball Fellowship - April 24th 7 - 10pm Church wide.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Rising Son
This past Wednesday night we had an awesome night. Rising Son, which is Lila, Josh, Tomas Rueda, and Robert led us in worship. It was there first time to lead worship and they did great. Then to top it all off Lila shared the bible study dealing with the difficult subject of personal prayer. Even though it was spring break we had a real good turn out. One thing that amazes me about out youth group is the genuine love that we have for each other. It isn't easy to sing in front of a group of people or to lead a bible study sitting on a stage with all the lights blaring down on you, but kudos to Lila. The message itself couldn't have been more sincere, or relevant to our lives today. Prayer has a real purpose, it isn't just an act of talking into space to an almighty God who knows everything and may or may not listen or respond, it is stopping and talking with God, but He is always listening. He always answers, and His answer is always exactly what we need. Sometimes we get the idea that we don't need to bother God with the things we are going through, or we don't bother to pray unless things start to go wrong, but God's word tells us to pray without ceasing. To always be in prayer, always talk it out with God first.
You know how when you can't wait to talk to your best friend about something that is going on and get her/his opinion on it before you do it? Yeah, let God be first, then your friend, then your parents, then your youth minister if you dare. But stopping to talk with God is what makes the difference.
If you really want God to make a difference in your life, You have to put God first on your best friend list. If you can talk to God like you can talk to your closest friend, imagine the life you would have if you followed His advice every time....WOW!!!
Give it a try, He has already given you a detailed book of good advice, getting to know the bible is more than just old stories about old people, good life lessons if you can figure them out, it is also a place where you can get answers to the things that matter most to you.
You know how when you can't wait to talk to your best friend about something that is going on and get her/his opinion on it before you do it? Yeah, let God be first, then your friend, then your parents, then your youth minister if you dare. But stopping to talk with God is what makes the difference.
If you really want God to make a difference in your life, You have to put God first on your best friend list. If you can talk to God like you can talk to your closest friend, imagine the life you would have if you followed His advice every time....WOW!!!
Give it a try, He has already given you a detailed book of good advice, getting to know the bible is more than just old stories about old people, good life lessons if you can figure them out, it is also a place where you can get answers to the things that matter most to you.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The Crux of the Gospel
Last night we talked about what the bible says that is basic beliefs of the Baptist church and evangelical churches. We talked about the difference between the truth and the doctrines of other faiths like, the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Muslim faith, the church of Scientology. If you take time to find out what people and faiths believe about Jesus you can figure out if it is actually true. The Bible says that Jesus Is God (John 1:1;17), Jesus is God the Son sent from Heaven to Earth (John 3:16) that whoever will believe in Him, (how? by acknowledging your a sinner -Romans 3:23, Confessing your faith in Jesus' sacrifice and victory of death -Romans 10:9, repent and follow God - acts 2:38) will be saved (Romans 10:13). Other faiths may say Jesus is just a prophet, or an angel, or a good man, but the truth is Jesus is the Almighty God and it is only by the cross, His cross, that we can be forgiven, changed, and saved. Last night we had fun and we looked with respect on what others may be teaching, but in the end we discovered that the truth is the truth whether you believe it or not. For one young man last night, the truth became real to him as he asked Jesus into his heart.
In the last few weeks starting with Winter Retreat there has been an awesome change in our youth group. We are pumped to be here, we are really having fun being together, worshiping, playing, studying, and learning together. People's hearts are being touched and changed each week. AND the CRAZY thing is...its only the beginning.
If you are looking for a youth group, for a fresh start, or just for some answers, then come check us out. www.nebcbeaumont.org this website will give you all the latest on whats going on and where you can plug in.
In the last few weeks starting with Winter Retreat there has been an awesome change in our youth group. We are pumped to be here, we are really having fun being together, worshiping, playing, studying, and learning together. People's hearts are being touched and changed each week. AND the CRAZY thing is...its only the beginning.
If you are looking for a youth group, for a fresh start, or just for some answers, then come check us out. www.nebcbeaumont.org this website will give you all the latest on whats going on and where you can plug in.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Let's Get Fruity
John 15:8 says "This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples."
It is easy to look around and see who God's disciples are. They are the ones bearing fruit. Last Sunday in the boys morning bible study we talked about fruit that lasts, highlighting John 15:16 "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last". What gets me so pumped up to be here is that in the youth group we are starting to see fruit, and not just fruit, but fruit that lasts. Since Winter Retreat, we have seen recommitments to Christ, we have seen changes in character, in motivation, and in the attitude of our group. God has been heard, and we are starting to respond.
Question: Have you responded to what God is trying to do in your heart and in your life?
This monday night we are having a monday night bible study in the youth room. Free Pizza, Music, videos, and student led Bible study. You don't want to miss this one. That's what I am talking about, fruit that lasts.
One of the fruits has been a bible study being formed on the campus at Hampshire-Fannett High School. Another is the vision to get a toy drive together to send to African children. Because of what we heard from our girls who went to the Revolve Tour, we are also looking at hosting a Hoops for Hope event. When you look in the eyes of the students whose lives have been radically changed by God, you see true fun, excitement, and passion. If someone could guarantee that type of fun every time we met, we would need a bigger building. As it is, we are starting to see new students visit, old students return, and in the weeks and months to come, there is going to be REAL fruit to look at, Fruit That Lasts. When that happens, as its happening, remember, it is and has always been Christ working in us and through us. It is God's power, it is God's idea. And for that we worship and praise Him. Come and join us: Wednesdays at 6:30pm, Sunday Morning at 9:15.
It is easy to look around and see who God's disciples are. They are the ones bearing fruit. Last Sunday in the boys morning bible study we talked about fruit that lasts, highlighting John 15:16 "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last". What gets me so pumped up to be here is that in the youth group we are starting to see fruit, and not just fruit, but fruit that lasts. Since Winter Retreat, we have seen recommitments to Christ, we have seen changes in character, in motivation, and in the attitude of our group. God has been heard, and we are starting to respond.
Question: Have you responded to what God is trying to do in your heart and in your life?
This monday night we are having a monday night bible study in the youth room. Free Pizza, Music, videos, and student led Bible study. You don't want to miss this one. That's what I am talking about, fruit that lasts.
One of the fruits has been a bible study being formed on the campus at Hampshire-Fannett High School. Another is the vision to get a toy drive together to send to African children. Because of what we heard from our girls who went to the Revolve Tour, we are also looking at hosting a Hoops for Hope event. When you look in the eyes of the students whose lives have been radically changed by God, you see true fun, excitement, and passion. If someone could guarantee that type of fun every time we met, we would need a bigger building. As it is, we are starting to see new students visit, old students return, and in the weeks and months to come, there is going to be REAL fruit to look at, Fruit That Lasts. When that happens, as its happening, remember, it is and has always been Christ working in us and through us. It is God's power, it is God's idea. And for that we worship and praise Him. Come and join us: Wednesdays at 6:30pm, Sunday Morning at 9:15.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
We just got back from my first Winter Retreat. RV Brown was the speaker and he was powerful, literally, benching over 400 pounds at 56 years old. The band did a good job in leading in worship, but it was this one song, Our Great God, that blew me away. I don't normally raise my hands or make a big scene in worship because I don't want to draw attention to me; but I couldn't help it, my bones and my heart and my mind were practically screaming for joy in worship to God.
Jesus was sitting on a mountain side, He knew He was going to die. He knew that His death would provide forgiveness for anyone who would have faith and believe. After He died, He woke up, got up, did some more ministry, then went back to heaven. As if that's not amazing enough:
(there is a seat in heaven, the one who is sitting in it controls the universe, he can stop gravity, photosynthesis, he could just take a break and the laws of physics, the laws of science, and the existence of all life would end) So when Jesus got HOME to heaven, God said, "here, sit at my right hand, its now yours." The same guy who saved everyone who believes, is now running things in heaven and earth. And when we worship, we are going before Him on His throne, He is listening to us, and the best I can do is sing, smile, raise my hands, and offer this broken vessel, that is full of mistakes and failures.
So back to Winter Retreat, we had 84 people participate, we had 94 there including the bible study leaders, worship band, speaker, and the youth. It was incredible. If you were there, God did some pretty awesome stuff. I am changed, some of our students are changed. I hope in some small way, that we were all changed.
If you know what I am talking about, then tell me about it, reply to this post with what God is doing with you....
Jesus was sitting on a mountain side, He knew He was going to die. He knew that His death would provide forgiveness for anyone who would have faith and believe. After He died, He woke up, got up, did some more ministry, then went back to heaven. As if that's not amazing enough:
(there is a seat in heaven, the one who is sitting in it controls the universe, he can stop gravity, photosynthesis, he could just take a break and the laws of physics, the laws of science, and the existence of all life would end) So when Jesus got HOME to heaven, God said, "here, sit at my right hand, its now yours." The same guy who saved everyone who believes, is now running things in heaven and earth. And when we worship, we are going before Him on His throne, He is listening to us, and the best I can do is sing, smile, raise my hands, and offer this broken vessel, that is full of mistakes and failures.
So back to Winter Retreat, we had 84 people participate, we had 94 there including the bible study leaders, worship band, speaker, and the youth. It was incredible. If you were there, God did some pretty awesome stuff. I am changed, some of our students are changed. I hope in some small way, that we were all changed.
If you know what I am talking about, then tell me about it, reply to this post with what God is doing with you....
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